We’ve launched our official Rviewer Discord Server!

In our eagerness to offer the best tools to improve as a developer, we are happy to announce that we have just created a Discord server associated to our platform where devs will be able to discuss problems, compete and learn from each other.

As many of you already know, we are building a product around code assessments and mentoring feedback, so it was a natural step for us to help our developer community engage more openly with our tech mentor team.

For that, we decided to create our Discord community to give Reviewer users a way to reach our team, discuss needed features, report bugs, and more. Let’s dive deep into how you can make the most of it and start connecting with other developers.

Multiple job opportunities.
One code challenge.

Get rid of repetitive hiring processes for all the positions you apply to, and access many job offers by taking a single real-world assessment.

What can you expect when you join our Discord

When you join our Discord channel there are several things you can do to improve:

  • Engage with our community: our Discord channel is a place where we are going to engage with our dev community, help you solve coding challenges doubts, prepare for coding interviews, share our best job opportunities.
  • Improve as a developer: solve problems in a wide range of programming domains such as algorithms, web and mobile apps development, machine learning, as well as to practice different programming languages like Javascript, Python, Typescript, Java, Android.
  • Get to know our tech mentors: you’ll have the opportunity to personally meet our tech mentors who will guide you through your coding interview process and share tips on how to improve your skills.
  • Chat with our team: you are also going to see all Rviewer  team in as well to share what we’re up to.

These are the main channels that you will find in our Discord:

  • Product announcements and tech events: Stay up to date with the latest product releases and all the tech events we organize for our community.
  • Challenges: Solve all your questions about our Challenges & talk to our tech mentors.
  • Networking: Find interesting tech job offers, and share your portfolio and projects with the community. 

Lots of exciting developer events to learn from

To create community, we constantly create events with our Tech Mentors and main partners where you can keep learning, and also win fabulous prizes.

Every quarter we hold a Codeathon contest where you can measure yourself against the rest of the developers by solving conding challenges. In addition to the prizes, you will receive full feedback for your participation!

  • We will also make sure to keep you up to date with our monthly coding challenge sessions on Twitch in partnership with MoureDev & Carlos Azaustre.

Lots of exciting developer events to learn from

Joining our Discord community is easy and takes no more than a few minutes

If you already have a Rviewer  account, you can sign in to our Discord channel from your Developer Area. If you are not a user yet, here’s the invite link to become a member of our community.

We hope you have a great time with Discord and don't forget to check out our other social media channels as well!

Multi-apply: How to apply to many job opportunities with one single Challenge

We have managed to get most of the companies we collaborate with to adopt our Rviewer challenges in their validation process as an official test.

And here's the bomb: This allows us to offer you, at last, Multi-Apply: with a single technical challenge you will be able to access more than one job offer. Yes, you heard it right: MANY job opportunities by taking a SINGLE code challenge.

Master coding interviews for growing tech companies

Discover here the ultimate guide to coding interview processes. Find out how they work and how you can optimize yourself as a developer to attract the attention of tech companies and get better results in their coding interviews.

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